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Gravel Hill Primary School

We are a group of like-minded schools working in partnership to harness the richness of our diverse learning communities for the benefit of all pupils.

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The school’s ethos is a key factor in the attendance of pupils but schools alone cannot have all the answers.  Much can be accomplished when pupils, parents, governors and the Local Authority work in partnership to address the many and varied issues relating to poor attendance.  

Independent research has shown that the single most effective tool in improving attendance is the implementation of same-day contact. A first day response to non-attendance emphasises to pupils and parents that unauthorised absence is taken seriously and will be challenged.

Successful school attendance policies will involve the entire staff.  Ensuring teachers and other staff members have a clear understanding of their role in a whole school commitment to promoting optimum attendance for all pupils.

The SEAAS (South Eastern Attendance Advisory Service) is committed to working in close partnership with schools, colleagues in other agencies, and parents to improve and maintain high levels of school attendance throughout the borough.

Parental attitude is a key influence on a child’s school attendance and there is much they can do to encourage, even reluctant pupils, to attend.

“The best schools create a culture where pupils enjoy coming to school and feel that attendance is worthwhile.  In these schools, lessons are a positive experience; pupils feel valued and make progress. Pupils returning from absences are welcomed and efforts are made to ensure that missed work is completed and understood.  Parents value the school and comply with its attendance procedures willingly”

                                                                               OFSTED Framework

The government expects that every child should attend school for at least 96% of the time.  In line with this, it is the policy of Gravel Hill that any child whose attendance falls below 96% will become subject to the attendance procedures detailed below.


Attendance Policy - UAT