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Gravel Hill Primary School

We are a group of like-minded schools working in partnership to harness the richness of our diverse learning communities for the benefit of all pupils.

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At Gravel Hill, we are committed to fostering a lifelong love of reading and ensuring that all pupils develop the skills and confidence to become fluent, independent readers. Our reading curriculum is designed to support children at every stage of their learning journey, from early phonics instruction to engaging with complex texts, while also nurturing their enjoyment of reading. 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1): 

  • EYFS and KS1 pupils follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics scheme, supported by phonetically decodable Big Cat Collins books to reinforce their learning. 
  • Pupils are assessed half-termly on their phonics progress and comprehension abilities using Little Wandle assessments, ensuring they build a strong foundation in early reading skills. 
  • Children who are making slower progress will have regular, rapid catch-up sessions with adults in school 

Key Stage 2 (KS2): 

  • KS2 pupils engage with a high-quality, whole texts, where lessons focus on in-depth discussions about vocabulary and story content in order to ensure children build a strong mental model of the text. 
  • Poetry and non-fiction texts are explored in depth at the end of every half term, broadening pupils' literary experiences and analytical skills. 
  • Termly assessments are conducted using PiXL tests to monitor progress and inform teaching. 

Reading for Pleasure: 

  • Daily story time ensures every child experiences the joy of listening to and discussing stories. 
  • Opportunities for outdoor reading, a well-stocked and inviting school library, and engaging classroom book corners support pupils’ enjoyment of reading. 
  • Weekly activities include poetry for pleasure sessions, a ‘book talk’ assembly, and time dedicated to reading for pleasure within the curriculum. 
  • KS2 classes visit Bexleyheath Library annually to explore and borrow books, fostering a connection with the wider community. 
  • World Book Day is celebrated each year often by author visits and a range of other exciting events which we then base our reading and writing upon for the day.  

Home Reading: 

  • We use Story Zoo to log reading activity and to provide access to age-appropriate e-books. 
  • KS1 pupils take home phonetically decodable Big Cat Collins books, while KS2 pupils select age-appropriate texts to read at home, fostering independence and choice in reading. 
  • In school, a weekly buddy reading system is also in place to help support those who may need additional reading practice all the way up to year 4.  

By embedding high-quality teaching, regular assessments, and a love for literature into our curriculum, we aim to empower every child to become a confident and enthusiastic reader, equipped with the skills to succeed both academically and in life 

Reading Spine- In depth text study in daily reading lessons 


NELI reading programme 

Big Cat Collins book’s used in Little Wandle reading lessons 


Year 1 

Year 2 

Big Cat Collins book’s used in Little Wandle reading lessons 


Summer term only: 


The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith 

Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine 


Habitats text 


When Daddy fell into the pond by Alfred Noyes 


Year 3 


Charlie and the chocolate factory by Roald Dahl 

The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley  

Ice trap by Hooper, Meridith, Robertson, M.P 

The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman 

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown 



Endurance (Shackleton text) 

Forces text 


Slowly by James Reeves 

Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson  

Midnight Snow by Attie Lime 


Year 4 


Princess Blankets by carol Ann Duffy and Winter’s Child by Angela McAllister  

Land of Roar by Jenny McLachlan 

Street Child by Berlie Doherty 

Cogheart by Peter Bunzl 

Varjak Paw by S.F. Said 

Iron Man by Ted Hughes 


Dragon text 

Victorian Academy  

Ancient Greece 


Child’s Song in Spring by E. Nesbit 

The River by Valarie Bloom 

Pied Piper of Hamelin poem 


Year 5 


Skellig by David Almond  

Tom’s Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce 

The boy at the back of the class by Onjali Rauf 

Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story) by Andrew Matthews and Tony Ross 

Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick 

Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo 


Migration Crisis article 

The Alps 


The Tyger by William Blake 

The Listeners by Walter De La Mare 

Night Mail by W H Auden 

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes 


Year 6 


Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo 

There’s a boy in the girls’ bathroom by Louis Sachar 

Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen 

Five Children and It by E.Nesbit 


Darwin- The Evolution of an idea 


In Flanders Field by John McCrae 

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll (Classic) 

My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson  

The Great Lizards by Dave Calder  



Our reading curriculum is supported by a variety of texts that are read during daily story time.  


Poetry for pleasure spine 

Each year group has a focus poet and a focus style of poetry. Children listen to and discuss poems every week.  


Focus poet- Giles Andreae 

Focus Style- Nursery Rhymes and Rhyming Narrative 


Focus poet – Nick Sharatt    

Focus Style – Alphabet List Poems  

Year 1 

Focus Poet – Julia Donaldson  

Focus Style – Alliterative List Poems  

Year 2 

Focus Poet – Roald Dahl 

Focus Style – Acrostic and Shape Poems  

Year 3 

Focus Poet – Michael Rosen 

Focus Style – Haiku and Tanka 

Year 4 

Focus Poet – Ted Hughes and Benjamin Zephaniah  

Focus Style – Limerick 

Year 5 

Focus Poet – Joseph Coelho   

Focus Style – Cinquain  

Year 6 

 Focus Poet – Carol Ann Duffy  

Focus Style – Sonnets 

Helping your child read at home