At Gravel Hill we see an effective partnership between home and school as vital, if we are to achieve the very best for all our children.
Through homework we aim to:
- Enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development
- Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and maths and to allow children to practice skills taught in lessons;
- Encourage educational experiences not possible in school by making use of resources available outside of school to extend learning;
- Promote a partnership between home and school by providing opportunities for parents and pupils to work together to enjoy learning experiences, enabling parents to better understand the work their child is learning and to demonstrate that they value their child’s education;
- Enable all aspects of the curriculum to be covered in sufficient depth by extending school learning and
- Encourage pupils, as they get older to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own and prepare them for the requirements of Secondary School.
Each class teacher will send a class newsletter home at the start of each term. This will identify the main curriculum areas to be covered and detail any activities or visits planned. In addition it will inform parents / carers as to what homework can be expected and when.
Early in the autumn term there will also be an informal meeting for parents of every class, where classroom routines etc. can be explained and any queries answered.