Our number one priority…
We pride ourselves on our Safeguarding procedures here at Gravel Hill. Every three weeks, our Safeguarding team meet to discuss priorities in our practices.
The team comprises of:
- Miss M Neale (Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Mr M Bird (Deputy Head Teacher/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Mrs G Smith (Assistant Head Teacher with Responsibility for Inclusion)
- Mrs S Le (PSA/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Ms R Kerslake (PSA/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Mrs C Tamsett (School Business Manager)
- Mr D Pothecary-Smith (Named Safeguarding Governor)
For any safeguarding concerns or queries please contact:
At the beginning of the academic year, the team set an action plan highlighting the priorities for that year. These targets are reviewed during every meeting. The team discuss everything about Safeguarding including:
- Child Protection
- Health and Safety
- Curriculum
- Behaviour
- Attendance
- Medical Needs Procedures and much more
The governors and staff at Gravel Hill Primary School take seriously our responsibility to promote the welfare and safeguarding of all the children entrusted to our care.
Any initial concerns will be discussed with parents and carers. The Headteacher is the designated teacher for Child Protection issues and will refer any serious concerns to Social Services.
We will always do our best to work in partnership with parents. We will liaise with Social Services and our Attendance Service in the best interests of the child.
GH Child Friendly Peer-on-Peer Abuse Policy
Gravel Hill Safeguarding Action Plan