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Gravel Hill Primary School

We are a group of like-minded schools working in partnership to harness the richness of our diverse learning communities for the benefit of all pupils.

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Safeguarding Leads

The governors and staff of Gravel Hill Primary School take seriously our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all the children entrusted to our care. 

We request that all staff and visitors take time to read the information below.  A copy of our Safeguarding Policy is available on request from the School office, or downloadable from our website.

Safeguarding incidents can happen anywhere, so staff and visitors should be alert to possible concerns raised in school; all adults here have a role to play in promoting the welfare and protection of children from harm. 

Report concerns promptly to Miss. Neale.

In her absence, concerns must be reported promptly to Mr Bird, Mrs Smith, Mrs Le or Ms Kerslake.


Governing Body

The governing body has a duty to take the strategic lead for the school’s safeguarding arrangements and to ensure that the school complies with all policies and legislation.

The safeguarding link governor should:

Keep the board up to date with statutory safeguarding and child protection guidance, including anything issued locally by your school's safeguarding partners.

Inform the board of whether it needs to make any changes.

The safeguarding link governor regularly attends the school’s safeguarding meeting.