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Gravel Hill Primary School

We are a group of like-minded schools working in partnership to harness the richness of our diverse learning communities for the benefit of all pupils.

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School Improvement Plan


Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) document is written in consultation with our Governing Body and staff of the school.  It sets out how we aim not only to maintain performance but also to raise overall school standards, individual pupil achievement and to place every child at the heart of every decision we take.

Confidence Aspiration Respect Excellence

The School’s Intent

The Gravel Hill curriculum has been designed to provide all pupils with the opportunity to succeed in life. Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values, barriers to learning and our overall aim for the children.

Developing cultural capital is at the heart of our curriculum, providing every child with the confidence to enter the modern world. In order to be ready for the modern world, we believe that our curriculum provides the opportunity to develop key skills for modern life:

The curriculum, underpinned by the national curriculum, is designed to develop resilience and ambition in all pupils, through a broad and rich programme of subjects and experiences. Subjects are carefully planned to develop progression and depth of knowledge – knowing more and remembering more.

Learning opportunities for families are integral to our curriculum, workshops, Learning Showcases and Family Golden Time events are planned throughout the year.

We believe that personal, social and emotional skills are vital to children, if they are going to achieve the very best academically and more importantly, as adults of an ever-changing future.

The following actions have been implemented to improve standards across the school, they will be monitored by leaders at all levels to ensure they have a positive impact on raising standards.

School Improvement Plan