Through Science, children at Gravel Hill are encouraged to develop their natural curiosity and understanding of the world around them. Science has very clear links with real world issues and careers therefore it is important that it has a high profile within the school. It teaches a combination of skills and knowledge so that children are encouraged to become enquiry based learners who use their skills to develop knowledge. We aim to link this to the wider curriculum where relevant, making strong links with Reading, Writing, Maths and DT as well as incorporating skills from History and Geography. At Gravel Hill we will provide opportunities for children to lead the lines of inquiry so that they can take responsibility for answering their own questions.
When children leave Gravel Hill they will have explored their natural curiosity about the world around them and have an understanding of how to answer their own questions. Children will develop their practical skills as well build their scientific knowledge so that they can apply their learning to real life.